Friday, April 29, 2005

Kyushu and my new hobby

blue house Kyushu left a lasting impression on my mind. Nagasaki was a magnificent city with wonderful sights and a long, important history that is globally significant. I'd like to go back there sometime in the future.

I also developed a new hobby that pleases me a lot. I have been trying to find a hobby where I could express my artistic side. I have given up on physically straining and dangerous hobbies do I decided to stick up with photography. I hope that you find time to look at my amateur photos. Thanks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

bonjour Dondon
c'est sympa de savoir comment tu vas grace a ton blog.
tes photos sont tres interessantes, j'aime bien les photos de fleurs ("fleur blanche" est tres hypnotique) et "blown" : tres poetique et subtil. j'aime aussi "feuilles oranges", feuilles d'automne melancoliques.
j'espere que tu vas bien. a bientot peut etre!
from France

7:22 PM  

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