Friday, March 11, 2005

Lectures and liason

The conference is going on smoothly. I went to some really interesting symposia about genetics and oral diseases, and there, met some students too from different countries. It's an eye-opener for me because I have realized that there are indeed a lot of opportunities for dentist/researchers.

Tommorrow, it's my chance to show what I got in my research. I do not feel nervous at all. Maybe it's the desensethizing that I had from listening to the presentation of other researchers whose topics were a little similar to mine. I even had answers to some of the bugging questions that I had in my mind about the background of my research.

On the lighter side, I really enjoyed my trip to Washington DC yesterday. It was a very nice city but you cannot escape the smell of power and intrigue that envelope the entire place. I mean, you have almost all the agencies that run this superpower country in one city.

For dinner, I and my Japanese friends went to a Japanese restaurant because we really missed the food. The price bore a hole in my pocket but it was worth it. I was impressed by the great people that have gone to the restaurant and left their impressions and greetings on the restaurant's "hall of fame". Talk about President Clinton and his wife Hillary, Madeleine Albright and others. I finished my food with a smile of real satisfaction.

I have 2 more days left here in Baltimore then I'll be on my way to Louisville, Kentucky via Cincinnati. I am sure I will miss this place!


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